Thursday 10 March 2016

Video: CrossFit games

It’s no secret that business success and physical fitness are closely linked.  CrossFit is one of many activities that enthusiasts around the world enjoy for their own reasons.  Last Friday evening I was invited to cover local athletes participating in the 2016 CrossFit Games, and their message was consistent:  they enjoy the sport because of the intense workout achieved in a short period of time.

Here’s a YouTube link to my 2 minute, 40 second video that I put together featuring members of The Habit & Black Bar CrossFit gym in Morinville, Alberta.   What impressed me is they’re not the stereotypical ‘super jock’ types, just ordinary folks like you and me who have found their passion for fitness training.  Hope you find this as informative as I did. 

This CrossFit athlete in Morinville is one of thousands competing in the annual international competition. 

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