Thursday 24 March 2016

Birthday ladies celebrate 100 years

Two seniors celebrated significant birthdays on Mar. 24 at Chateau Mission Court in St. Albert.  Mary Melik is now 100 and Hazel Manning had her 102nd birthday earlier this month.  More than 50 guests and family members gathered in the lodge with St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse to congratulate both ladies.

“It’s almost unbelievable really, I just don’t feel like I’m this age,” said Hazel. “I don’t have any secrets, I just got to be 102 years old,” she laughed. “I think you just have to take one day at a time. I love working crossword puzzles, I started years and years ago.
And I have many friends, we enjoy getting together.”

In the photo above, Hazel Manning (left) and Mary Melik (right) hold their certificates of congratulations presented moments earlier by Mayor Crouse on behalf of the City of St. Albert.

Grant Cree is an Edmonton-based photojournalist focusing on photo and video event coverage to help clients connect with their audiences.  780-940-3228

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