Saturday 27 February 2016

Published in Esprit de Corps magazine

Very proud to have one of my photos published in the February 2016 edition of Esprit de Corps military magazine.  “A treasure for all Canadians” is the title of an article featuring Cecil Kinross, a Canadian soldier who won the Victoria Cross medal for his actions during the First World War.  The medal is now on display for public viewing in the office of Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson, following a ceremony on Nov. 9, 2015 in City Hall. 

My photo shows the unveiling ceremony that day with Mayor Iveson, members of the Kinross family, and Captain Rick Dumas, the event organizer and author of this article.  In his article, Captain Dumas notes that Private Kinross served with the 49th Battalion – now known as the Loyal Edmonton Regiment.

On Oct. 30, 1917, Private Kinross was at Passchendaele, Belgium, where the 49th Battalion lost 75 per cent of its soldiers that morning.  By that evening, only 145 of almost 600 men remained standing.  It was during that battle that 19-year-old Cecil Kinross earned Canada’s highest military decoration:  the Victoria Cross.

Shortly after 49th Battalion launched their attack, they endured a ferocious enemy artillery barrage.  Their advance was then bogged down by machine gun fire.  Kinross surveyed the situation, tossed his equipment on the ground except for his rifle and ammunition and moved alone over open ground in broad daylight.  He charged the enemy machine gun and killed the crew of six.  His action encouraged his comrades who rallied and advanced 300 yards to capture an important position. 

Kinross was seriously wounded that day, and did not return to frontline duties.  After the war, he returned home to Lougheed, Alberta, located about 2-hours east of Edmonton. In 1951, a 2,640-metre mountain in Jasper National Park was named Mount Kinross in his honour.  The peak is located 24 kilometres northwest of Jasper, Alberta.  Cecil Kinross passed away in Lougheed on June 21, 1957 at 59 years of age.

I offer my thanks to Captain Dumas and members of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment for inviting me to cover this significant event. 

Grant Cree is an Edmonton-based photojournalist focusing on photo and video event coverage to help clients connect with their audiences.  780-940-3228

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