Monday 8 February 2016

France honours local WW2 veterans

Several veterans of the Second World War were presented with medals of the Legion of Honour during a formal ceremony on Feb. 8 in the Alberta Legislature Building Rotunda. The event that began at 4 p.m. was hosted by Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Robert Wanner. After speeches by elected officials, Jean-Christophe Fleury, French Consul General based in Vancouver, commenced with the medal presentations.

More than 100 family members and guests assembled in the rotunda to witness the ceremony and take pictures. During his speech, Mr. Fleury gave a heartfelt message of thanks on behalf of the French people and their government.  He explained the Legion d’Honneur is the highest decoration that France can bestow, and is the equivalent to the Order of Canada. © Grant Cree photo

To see more photos of this remarkable event, visit my online gallery.

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