Sunday 17 April 2016

Story featured across Sturgeon County

As a freelancer, it’s always exciting to see my pictures and paragraphs published.  The latest is my coverage of the Vimy Ridge parade on April 10, 2016 at Edmonton Garrison that involved the Alberta Lieutenant-Governor.

The photo you see above shows the parade inspection, and appears on page 2 in the April 15 edition of Farm n Friends.  That newspaper is published weekly and distributed to thousands of readers in communities across Sturgeon County.  To see all of my photos visit and click to the Gallery section. 

Here’s the caption:

Lieutenant-Governor Lois Mitchell (centre) was the reviewing officer for the Vimy Ridge parade on April 10 at Edmonton Garrison. More than 300 Army Cadets from 17 corps across northern and central Alberta participated in the ceremony to mark the 99th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge that took place in April 1917 during the First World War.

Grant Cree is an Edmonton-based photojournalist focusing on photo and video event coverage to help clients connect with their audiences.  780-940-3228

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