Friday 23 September 2016

VIDEO: Lieutenant-Colonel Grimshaw: Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking

On Saturday, September 17, 2016 I had the privilege of serving as moderator for the Edmonton United Services Institute (EUSI) annual symposium in the Ramada Hotel. Here's our video of Lieutenant-Colonel Grimshaw, Chief of Operations for 3rd Canadian Division based at Edmonton Garrison.

This is one of the PowerPoint slides that LCol Grimshaw shared during his presentation on Sept. 17, 2016 to the Edmonton United Services Institute at the Ramada Hotel.

This video covers his timely presentation on peacekeeping during a symposium hosted on September 17, 2016 by Edmonton United Services Institute.  LCol Grimshaw was one of five expert panellists discussing Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking and the role of the Canadian military.  This is one of five videos featuring speakers at that symposium.  Video by    

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