Saturday 12 December 2015

LER Soldiers' Christmas dinner

Army Reservists of The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (LER) enjoyed their annual Soldiers' Christmas dinner on 12 December 2015 at the Jefferson Armoury in Edmonton. The event began with a unit photo in the drill hall, and continued upstairs in the mess where a piper marched in the soldiers and head table.

In keeping with Regimental tradition, Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Weidlich exchanged his tunic with the youngest soldier in the unit. He was invited to sit at the head table with dignitaries including Honorary Colonel Dennis Erker, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel John Stanton, and members of the Old Guard.

The CO, RSM Brougham Deegan and other LER dignitaries commenced with awards, promotions and presentations to several members who made outstanding contributions in 2015. After the formalities, all Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants served cold beverages and hot meals to the troops. Following dinner, the LER drum line conducted a dazzling performance, always a popular hit with the troops. The event concluded with the CO congratulating his unit on a successful year. Photos by Grant Cree.

To see more photos, visit my online gallery.

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment on 12 December 2015 at Jefferson Armoury in Edmonton. 
Second World War veteran Maurice White (centre), who served in the First Special Service Force (aka Devil's Brigade) presents an axe to LER soldiers for their outstanding performance on a patrol competition in 2015 at CFB Wainwright.

Military musicians with The Loyal Edmonton Regiment perform on 12 December 2015.

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