Sunday 20 December 2015

Bantam hockey action

Members of the Sturgeon Mustangs Bantam A team (white jerseys) faced off against players with the Athabasca Bantam team (blue jerseys) during a game on Dec. 20 at the arena in Morinville, Alberta.  For this game, the Athabasca team wore the Mustangs blue jerseys. Despite a valiant effort by the Athabasca team, the Mustangs prevailed with a score of 7-1.  © Grant Cree photos

A player with Sturgeon Mustangs (left) faces off against Athabasca (right) during a game on Dec. 20 at the arena in Morinville, Alberta. 

Players with Athabasca and Sturgeon Mustangs race for the puck as the Athabasca goalie makes a save during a game on Dec. 20 at the arena in Morinville, Alberta.

Friday 18 December 2015

Operation Candy Cane Check Stop

Enforcement Services in Morinville, Alberta conducted their annual Candy Cane Check Stop on the evening of Dec. 17 on 100 Street. The initiative was a reminder to plan ahead and to not drink and drive during the holiday season. Members of the RCMP, Morinville Fire Department and Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch handed out 1,100 Think & Drive gift bags that evening. Other participating agencies included Alberta Health Services, EMS, Sturgeon Victim Services and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  © Photos by Grant Cree
An EMS members hands a Think & Drive gift bag to a motorist during Operation Candy Cane
A member of Morinville Fire Department chats with a motorist during Operation Candy Cane.

A motorist chats with an EMT member during Operation Candy Cane Check Stop.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

LER honoured at City Hall

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (LER) was officially recognized in a protocol ceremony on 15 December 2015 in Edmonton City Council Chambers.  The protocol ceremony gives members of City Council an opportunity to recognize achievements of citizens or groups that represent the city in a positive way.  They are presented by the Mayor or Councillors during regular City Council meetings.

To see more photos of this event, visit my online gallery.

Mayor Don Iveson (centre) with LER representatives in City Chambers.

Mayor Don Iveson called the Council meeting to order at 0930 hours, and began with acknowledgement of the Treaty Six lands on which the city is built.  After  everyone was seated, Council voted to adopt the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting.  The Richard Eaton singers, also in attendance for recognition that morning, performed some Christmas songs to the delight of everyone.  

Members of the Richard Eaton singers perform in Edmonton City Hall.

 Mayor Iveson spoke about how the LER was originally formed as 49th Battalion in January 1915 by Lieutenant-General William Griesbach. He was a member of Edmonton's inaugural council and, at age 29, the youngest mayor in this city's history. LGen Griesbach played a major role in establishing this Regiment.

“On January 4, 1915 he began recruiting for his newly formed 49th battalion,” said Mayor Iveson. “He gained 1,000 men in eight days, a remarkable accomplishment since the population at the time was approximately 13,000 people.”  Mayor Iveson added that by January 21, 1915, 49th battalion had reached its full strength and deployed to London, England on June 3.

During the First World War, the battalion fought in many significant battles including Mount Sorrell, the Somme, Passchendaele and Vimy Ridge. The unit won numerous battle honours, and two of its soldiers earned the Victoria Cross (VC).  One VC was earned by Private Cecil Kinross on 30 October 1917 during the battle of Passchendaele, Belgium.  His VC tribute is now on display in the foyer of Mayor Iveson's office.

“The Regiment mobilized again for the Second World War and fought in one of Canada's costliest battles at Ortona, Italy.  They sustained 172 casualties, including 63 killed in action during that battle,” said Mayor Iveson.   “Our city now has a bond of friendship with the City of Ortona as a result of the relationship between the regiment and the people. 

“Today the Loyal Edmonton Regiment remains ready to serve Canada at home and abroad if and when the need arises. They have served with the United Nations and NATO in Cyprus, the Balkans, and Afghanistan.”

Mayor Iveson introduced several LER members who attended the ceremony.  They were Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Weidlich; Captain Rick Dumas, the Adjutant; RSM Deegan; Master Corporal Morry, and Corporals Benke, Nilsson, Semple and Brettner. Honorary Colonel Dennis Erker and Honorary Lieutenant Colonel John Stanton were also introduced.  Retired LER members at the ceremony included Lieutenant Colonel Lee Ahlstrom, Bert Plowman, Sandy McLaren, MM, and Maurice White, who also served with the First Special Service Force (aka the Devil's Brigade).

“Please take our thanks on behalf of the people of Edmonton to all of the retired members, the veterans and all of the current serving members,” said Mayor Iveson.  “We have such great respect for the service that you provide and the vigilance that you keep here and around the world.”

The ceremony concluded when Mayor Iveson presented LCol Weidlich with a gift from Edmonton Salutes to commemorate the LER’s 100th Anniversary of service to Canada.  The mayor then stood with the LER representatives for a group photo in front of the Council Chambers flags.

Mayor Iveson presents a gift on behalf of Edmonton Salutes to LER

The Edmonton Salutes gift is made of crystal and wood, and prominently features items on the LER badge:  the windmill with 49, the pyramid at Edmonton City Hall, and Lestock the coyote (named after a town in Saskatchewan).  The gift weighs approximately 20 pounds, and was produced by the same company that makes trophies for the Juno awards.  Photos by Grant Cree.

Saturday 12 December 2015

LER Soldiers' Christmas dinner

Army Reservists of The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (LER) enjoyed their annual Soldiers' Christmas dinner on 12 December 2015 at the Jefferson Armoury in Edmonton. The event began with a unit photo in the drill hall, and continued upstairs in the mess where a piper marched in the soldiers and head table.

In keeping with Regimental tradition, Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Weidlich exchanged his tunic with the youngest soldier in the unit. He was invited to sit at the head table with dignitaries including Honorary Colonel Dennis Erker, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel John Stanton, and members of the Old Guard.

The CO, RSM Brougham Deegan and other LER dignitaries commenced with awards, promotions and presentations to several members who made outstanding contributions in 2015. After the formalities, all Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants served cold beverages and hot meals to the troops. Following dinner, the LER drum line conducted a dazzling performance, always a popular hit with the troops. The event concluded with the CO congratulating his unit on a successful year. Photos by Grant Cree.

To see more photos, visit my online gallery.

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment on 12 December 2015 at Jefferson Armoury in Edmonton. 
Second World War veteran Maurice White (centre), who served in the First Special Service Force (aka Devil's Brigade) presents an axe to LER soldiers for their outstanding performance on a patrol competition in 2015 at CFB Wainwright.

Military musicians with The Loyal Edmonton Regiment perform on 12 December 2015.