Friday 27 January 2017

Parliament Hill

Since I'm in Ottawa, here's my obligatory tourist picture of Parliament Hill.  #ottawa #parliamenthill #tourist

Thursday 12 January 2017

Canadian veteran honoured by Korean government

Here's a link to my 4-minute video.

Canadian Army veteran Stanley Ridsdale was honoured by the Korean government during a ceremony on January 10, 2017 at the Kipness Centre for Veterans in Edmonton.  Mr. Ridsdale, a Metis from Northern Alberta, was a soldier with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) during the Korean War.  In 1953, he was seriously wounded in combat. 

This medal was presented by the Korean government to Stanley Ridsdale.

 On behalf of the Korean government, James Yeom and Thomas Rho from the Edmonton Korean Canadian Association presented the “Ambassador For Peace” certificate and medal to Mr. Ridsdale.  The once proud warrior suffers from dementia and is confined to a wheelchair.  Soldiers from 3rd battalion, PPCLI and numerous veterans joined with friends to celebrate the occasion.

James Yeom (left) and Thomas Rho (centre) present the award to Stanley Ridsdale.

John MacDonald, President of the Aboriginal Veterans Society of Alberta, nominated Mr. Ridsdale for the award in 2016 as a way to express appreciation for his military service to Canada.  

John MacDonald (far left) delivers a speech as PPCLI soldiers (centre) stand next to Stanely Ridsdale. (right) during the ceremony on January 10, 2017 at the Kipness Centre for Veterans in Edmonton.

Here's a link to my 4-minute video.

Grant Cree is an Edmonton-based photojournalist focusing on photo and video event coverage to help clients connect with their audiences.  780-940-3228